“Counselling can help solve lots of problems” 22 December 2024
Q. My daughter seems to be involved with some boy from her class and has started telling lies. We caught her emails and messages and then we stopped her activities. But she has found ways of talking to him and continuing the affair which her father hates. If I tell him I am worried how he will react. The boy is an average student and so is my girl. She is not concentrating on studies. I am becoming stressed and keep worrying all the time. How can I bring her to you for counselling?
Ans. This friendship between class- mates has become common in most schools. It may not be a very healthy trend as school children are still immature emotionally and do not make the best choice of friends. We can counsel the child to make rational and proper choices instead of emotional ones. I understand your concerns well enough but getting stressed will not help you in any way. Please relax and start talking normally to her. Do not punish or curse her and do not be rude to her. You can bring her for career counselling or some sort of help in improving her studies and performance. I am sure we can help her with counselling. We hope she will see sense and make a proper decision.
Q. I am very worried about my daughter in college. We admitted her to a college in another city and she is in the hostel. She is not adjusting in the new hostel, she doesn’t like her roommate and often fights with her. She requested the management for a change in roommate but they have their own rules. She is very upset and feels left out among the new friends circle also. They tease her and bully her too as she is often depressed. We knew she would have problems but she was very insistent about joining this particular college. Now we are stuck with a strange problem. We have tried many things but she keeps crying and wanting to come back home. Can you do online sessions with her? We need help in settling her down.
Ans. It is normal for a young girl going to a far away college and to a hostel for the first time to face adjustment problems. If she has been brought up in a protective atmosphere with all her needs met by parents, they find it difficult to handle the multiple issues that crop up in a new place, a new hostel with a new roommate! A new set of skills are required in every stage of life to face the new challenges. Counselling will certainly help and we can train her in social skills, communication, making new friends and handling ragging. Online sessions are possible. Kindly write to us about the same and we will fix a suitable date and time. Meanwhile, assure her that things will be alright and she will be fine.