Seek guidance for career planning – May 02 2010

Mohit (via email)

Q. My age is 24 years. I think I am in kind of depression. It begun when I completed my M.Sc with Microbiology. I had completed it with good marks in 2008 but I can’t get a good job yet. I did a job for 6 month but I left it because of low salary. I had some family problem that’s why I could not search any job. Now I wish for a job but I hide myself to everyone and don’t go for interviews. I try my best for getting out from this problem but I can’t. I took help of meditation but it is not working. Please help me.

Ans. There is nothing to feel depressed about. There are jobs for hard working people and if you are flexible enough to take what the market offers you. In the beginning many of us cannot be choosing what one likes due to lack of availability. The wise thing to do is to take what one gets and then get moving with clear goals in the right direction. It may take some years but the experience will be worth it. If you can afford to be choosy and there are no financial compulsions of earning right now then you could take better decisions in the right path. Come and see me if you cannot take any decision and need some guidance. 

XYZ (via email)

Q. I am a student of engineering and got placed in MNC through campus. Presently I am staying out of town and am disturbed since a month or two. My career growth is not going smooth. I am in software company and have problems regarding coding. Recently going through training in which I performed well but then everything went very bad when coding exams came up and now I am almost on the verge of leaving the company. I have spoiled my health and mental peace due to this. As I have always been academically bright student. Firstly I never wanted to do engineering but after I got admission I started developing liking for it. I am confused whether my career decision is proper. I have always been interested in music and entertainment but have not tried my luck there and don’t know how to find out my capability and  what do I really want my career to be shaped as. Previously I thought of developing a base in my career and get financially strong to pursue my interest. I dream a lot. I am stressed due to everything happening recently. Please guide me as to how should I improve my career decisions.

Ans. We have personality tests to help you ascertain your personality type and it’s best suitability for careers. Every person is not fit for every job. Academic qualification is one thing and your personality type is another thing. Of course you are also finding yourself short in one aspect of technical skills which is causing you stress. It would be advisable if you could coach yourself in the deficient skill so that your efficiency goes up. Once you have taken a full degree course in engineering quite successfully I would not advise you to change it due to a minor difficulty. Face the challenge and tackle the problem. Alternately, you could also come for one consultation with me to sort out the confusion.

Anonymous (via email)

Q. My father is after me and always puts me down by talking foul language that I have not done anything for my 10th exams. I will never do anything in life and even my mom sometimes doesn’t talk to me properly. I don’t know why I get very angry and irritated when my father puts me down or scolds me for nothing.

Ans. Sometimes as a child you cannot fight or change the actions of your parents. If there is a relative who can explain to them then you must seek help. If that does not work then the best thing to do is to ignore the foul language and the hurting words and become immune to them. Concentrate on your goals and your studies and keep engaged in fruitful hobbies. Maintain your peace of mind and do not allow anything to disturb it. It is difficult but not impossible. Keep faith in yourself and keep cheerful in spite of everything. You will succeed one day.

Published in The Hitavada – Emotions column – May 02 2010

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