“Assess the developmental delays”- 25 September 2016.


Q. I am 36 years old, settled in a city near Nagpur. I have 2 children, 1st is 8 years old and the younger one is 6 years old. I am a commerce post graduate and also, a graduate in English literature. I was brought up in a very strict environment, never ever were my feelings understood. And many such things. After having my children, I developed the habit of reading parenting books- have read around 20 books so far on the same topic, of a variety of authors. This proved to be very helpful. But now when I see other children treated the same way as I was in my childhood, my heart reaches out to those children. I want to spread the awareness in the society about unconditional love, the way to talk to them, listen to them, etc. I started taking seminars on parenting, inviting my friends and family. But now the parents want me to counsel their children. But I feel without a proper degree I shouldn’t do that. Ma’am I sincerely request you to please guide me, as to what studies should I proceed with to be able to guide on parenting as well as counselling. It will also set me on the right track, as now I feel this is the right career path for me. I am really interested into this. What courses can u suggest? I am ready to study hard for it. It will also give some relief to me, from my otherwise dominating father-in law. It will give me a sense of satisfaction and boost my self-confidence too. Ma’am,  please guide,  please help, please revert.

Ans. It is nice to know you have found your passion in life for the moment and want to legitimate it by a degree. You could try online courses in psychology such as Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) or Yeshwant Rao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) which admit students in Masters programme in psychology from any graduate course. They have opened the program for all students of any stream. Regular colleges are likely to ask for the subject of psychology at the graduate level. You could even try online courses of other universities such as Osmania or Annamalai. Please check the net for such courses with eligibility criteria. There could be some courses online for counselling and psychotherapy too. I am not sure for such a course would require practical work that needs to be fulfilled.


Q. I am studying in class 12 at Kendriya Vidyalaya. I wanted to know that how to make a career in merchant navy. What are the scopes of this career options? Please suggest some institutes that offer this stream. Is there any way to get to merchant navy directly by entrance tests?

Ans. Indian Maritime University offers courses in marine engineering, ocean engineering, naval architecture, as well as graduation in nautical sciences, maritime science. There is an entrance exam after 12th Std and you would need to prepare for it. Check online for the examination date and the application forms that are available online too.


Q. My friend is in deep trouble. He is losing his balance of mind it seems. He fights for simple things with friends and wants his own way too. I have not told his parents but he drives the bike at super speed and without a helmet and he had a bad fall the other day. He did not get too much hurt but we all scolded him. He refuses to listen to us and we don’t know how to bring him for counselling. His parents care less about his future we feel. What should we do? Should we bring him to you for counselling?

Ans. Some issue must be bothering him for sure. It could be a problem at home with his parents, if they do not care for him, there must be an emotional disconnect with them. It could be a statement of theirs which is bothering him or any other issue brewing in his mind. It would be possible to help him if you bring him along at some pretext or the other. One of you could come for your own personal problem and bring him along. We would certainly be able to identify and treat the problem. It could be a reaction to an event or a depression creeping in. Whatever it is, it is advisable to take timely help.


Q. My child is two and half years of age and has not started speaking yet. The local doctor says we should wait more and give it time. We stay in a small town and no psychologist is there. Facilities are less and we feel worried and impatient. Please advise us.

Ans. Such conditions are called delays in development and need to be noted carefully. Regular assessment of physical development as well as mental assessment needs to be done. You could bring the child to us at Nagpur once in three months for psychological assessment. We could assess his growth in the other areas even if his language and speech area is delayed. In the meantime admit the child in a play school and see how it behaves. Speech may come any moment and we might note his adjustment with other children. Do not worry, delays do occur in children and they make up for it soon enough too.


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