Choose career of your liking – 2nd February 2020


“Choose career of your liking”


Q. I am studying in first year college and I have taken B.Sc plain and I am not liking it too much. I want to study economics and get into Planning Commission eventually. I want to be an economist like many famous people. But how to convince my parents for they think I should graduate and appear for the IAS exams and get into government administration. That I can do but am not too much inclined for it. What to do madam? Please guide me.

Ans. Economics is an evergreen subject and much in demand now with the globalization scene. Its scope is vast and the job opportunities are many too. Besides the Niti Ayog (what was called the Planning Commission earlier) where you could work, the banking sector is a huge sector for employment of economists. They work as financial risk analysts, financial planners and mathematics is a combination to have along with economics. The industrial sector too hires economists besides the banks and the Planning Commission. You must leave science and take up commerce stream with economics and maths and then pursue economics at the post graduate level. Convincing your parents would have to be done by you or else come for a session on career guidance with them and we will try to convince them.


Q. I am going to appear for the 10 Std this year and I am confused about my career. My parents want me to typically do either of the careers that are going famous always- such as engineering, medical and CA. I want to do something different like gaming or robotics but nobody understands me and my aspirations. My parents are always talking about earning and job and that I will be unemployed and all that. Please tell me what to do?

Ans. There is a confusion here in your thinking. If you are interested in robotics, then your field of study will anyway be engineering. Branches such as electrical, mechanical, electronics, and computers are best for studying robotics. Computer engineering will also help you with gaming although for some courses in gaming science is not required. There are different courses in gaming and you should check online the differences and courses on it. Of course you will get employed and get good jobs with the fields you have mentioned but nevertheless re-think your decision for the program in engineering.


Q. I am in Std 9 and I am scared of a boy in my school who keeps staring at me wherever I go. This is happening since few months. I am afraid to tell my parents for they will not understand and will scold me only. It started one day when my friend introduced me to the boy and I just said a hello to him. After that day he started looking at me and following me at times in the ground during breaks and after school ends. I told that girl who introduced me and she said he is a nice boy and wants to make friends with me and likes me. This is disturbing my studies and I feel worried and scared about the exams and all. I don’t like all this as I am a shy girl and like to study well. What should I do?

Ans. if the matter is not so serious and are no chances that the boy will harm you then you might forget the whole thing, ignore him and tell your girl friend that you are not interested in the boy and that he should stop staring and following or else you will report the matter to the class teacher or the Principal. However if the matter is serious you must report it to the authorities immediately directly or indirectly through your parents. Your safety is of prime importance and in no way should you put yourself in danger or risk. It is not good to live in fear of anything and your shyness is such matters can become a bane for you. People become bolder when they see a shy girl for they know she will keep quiet and suffer in silence. So make an assessment of the situation and get going with a clear plan of exposing him.


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