Dreams are important – 19th january 2020


“Dreams are important”

T. D

Q. I am a Science student, studying in BVM, Srikrishna Nagar, Nagpur. I have an ardent desire to become an IAS officer and serve my nation. I read “The Hitavada” newspaper daily, and analyze it thoroughly but apart from that, how should I prepare myself to study for the UPSC examination so that one can, I can fulfil my ambition?

Ans. It is heartening to know that you desire to serve the nation and hence want to join the IAS. It is not very tough to join the IAS if you have the right kind of attitudes and personality traits. Firstly you need a sharp or brighter intelligence than normal, a multi-faceted personality with presence of mind, hunger for learning and knowledge, the desire to succeed and be ahead of others, the habit of working hard and going the extra mile, good presentation skills in public, being social and friendly and many more. Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses and start working on the development of skills and brushing up your personality. Also look into the written exam papers of last five years,, study them and develop your English language ability, logical reasoning and general knowledge. You need to appear after your graduation so there is ample time for preparation and development. We can help you with personality development too on a slow and steady basis. I wish you all the best in your endeavour.


Q. I am being forced to join the engineering course of study after my 12th Std but my interest lies in serving the Air Force since childhood. I love to fly planes and be up in the skies. I am physically fit and exercise daily. I am adventurous by nature and not scared of anything. I am an outdoor person and like physical fitness. I cannot sit for long indoors with a computer or a book! How to explain to my parents and my dream? They are not listening to me and want me to do science only. They think money lies there and defence does not pay much and life is risky as we hear news of accidents. Please help me madam. Shall I come for career counselling? Can you convince my parents? I am the only son.

Ans. Serving the defence forces is a great career for the youth. They should aspire for joining the defence. It’s a great avenue for showing your talent and doing good for the country. The privileged youth have a choice of joining many avenues for career making and sometimes the defence may not appear to be a very lucrative career monetarily. But this is also a myth. Life is challenging physically and mentally and fitness is a must. Since you enjoy physical activity and adventure this could be an ideal profession for you. Of course you could come for a session of career counselling and I can in my own way to convince your parents who have their own fears and reservations about the defence life. But do not give up your dreams if your happiness lies there. Only money does not provide the sense of fulfilment and happiness in the long run.


Q. Hare Krishna Ms. Rita Aggarwal. I am Acharya Arunanand. I have read today, in Emotional column, problem of a young boy aged 36 years to be suffering from fear factor since childhood. As I teach BACH FLOWER REMEDIS, in my view, if he takes MINULUS, one of the Bach remedies, he will be cured miraculously within a short period of time. Regards.

Ans. Thank you for writing to us about your offerings. I am aware of the above- mentioned remedies. They have been in existence since long. Those interested can surely avail of it.


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