“Introverts can be trained in social skills” 13 August 2017.


Q. My daughter is studying in B.Pharm and in final year. She does not want to do M.Pharm and is very confused and worried about her future. She wants to know what are the prospects in Pharmacy and other related fields such as IPR, food and science technology, and cosmetology. She would need a detailed guidance from you about all fields she can go for. Please help.

Ans. Yes, it would help her to come for a session on career guidance. We need to check her interest areas and her personality traits to take a decision about what would suit her and make her happy. Since she has already made one wrong decision of joining pharmacy and wants to change the line now it will be better to go about it systematically this time rather than superficially. There are many courses she could join but I need to talk to the candidate. She should not worry about her future for there are many chances of switching over career lines and seeking a career to your liking and satisfaction.


Q. I am a 63 year old retired government officer and with good grace everything is there possible to lead a comfortable and respectable life except my wife. She is 57 years old and she visited her maternal home last year and was influenced by a palm reader. He told her that your husband has an affair with one lady and that you have threat from your family. From that day onwards she has suspicion that I have relationships with four to five women and 24×7 she keeps nagging me. I have tried my level best and she is not willing to improve nor visit a psychiatrist. Please advice.

Ans. As understood by you rightly, your wife would need a psychiatric consultation and medicine too. She has suspicion levels that are beyond levels if she thinks you have affairs with four to five women. Even one affair can upset your wife and I believe that you have not given her any cause for doubting you at all and all that she thinks is a figment of her imagination. If she refuses to visit the psychiatrist, which is typical of such disorders, then you should visit one and narrate your story. He will help you find a way out for treating her. She will become a fine lady like before once she is treated properly. Have faith and patience. Treat her with sympathy and kindness for she is ill and not in her logical mind.


Q. I am third year student studying cosmetology. I have a lot of problems to discuss with you. I am just too depressed, worried and lonely. I will just try telling you in brief what’s going on in my life. I don’t have any friends to support me and be with me and that’s one of my issues. I lack the art of making friends. I know who I need but I cannot find the relevant people. I need someone to love me and pamper me. Because I am the elder one all the pampering is done by me and by my parents to my younger brother. Not that I am jealous or anything but I am a human being after all. I do need love and care and attention and lack of it makes me feel lonely. I feel worthless and rejected if nobody cares for me. I also have issues regarding my career. I don’t know if I should do M.Tech or MBA after B.Tech. My dad wants me to do MBA but I am not smart enough for it. I am shy and have stage freight and introverted and don’t know how to make friends. I also have issues with my father. No matter what I say he is never happy with me. We fight quite frequently. Almost every-day which is not a good sign. It is like he has a strong aversion to me …I know he loves me as I am his daughter and I love him too. I am developing a strong dislike for him which is bad as far as the relationship is concerned. I don’t want to hate him and don’t want him o hate me. I want to clear myself of this mess as soon as possible. Please help me.


Ans. We can certainly help you with all your problems that have been mentioned above. Your introverted nature creates certain demands and obstructions in the proper functioning of your social self which we can help you with. You can also improve your relationship with your father for both love each other. Your decision for post graduation needs to be looked into carefully with you personally. You would need some sessions of counselling and we could address all your issues. Rest assured that you are a normal person with normal problems and need to train and develop your personality.

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