Solve the problem – 22 September 2019
“Solve the problem”
Q. Should i study M.Sc. in psychology after B. A in psychology. Or should I go for M.A? Is there any syllabus difference between them which may further create difficulties to complete PG degree? Please suggest some good universities/colleges offering M.Sc and M.A in psychology.
Ans. You can either choose an M.Sc or and M.A in psychology. There is a slight difference in syllabus for a science course can have a little bit of the biology and neurology. But it will not create any difficulty for further courses anyway. There are many good colleges and universities offering good courses in psychology but you will need to know what are your future plans and what specialisations interest you; then study the content of the courses and then apply for admission. The courses today offer much more variety and newer content and you must know that. First find out what your interests are and what your plans/goals are for the future.
Y. S
Q. I am not able to concentrate on my studies – I am good in studies and I do well. Next year I have my boards and fear that I may fail. I have not being doing my best recently. I am trying to distract myself but not succeeding. Do I need counselling? I am willing to come. Please help me get back to my good old me.
Ans. Yes, a few sessions of counselling may help you focus and get back to being a good student again. It is good to know that you are a serious student and keen on doing well in exams and hence seek help. This itself is remarkable for a student and I am sure once you identify the reasons for losing focus on studies, you will regain your lost confidence and status. Please call us and seek an appointment as soon as you can.
Q. My father has an alcohol problem and that is disturbing my studies. He comes home late, starts shouting and arguing with mother, mother starts crying and I run away from home. I am in college first year and I want to go to hostel but they will not allow. I hate the home atmosphere and keep getting angry with them. I fight with my younger brother and beat him one time. I felt guilty about it. I don’t want to be like my father. Please guide me properly.
Ans. Alcoholism in the family can ruin so many aspects of good life. The atmosphere is certainly impacted and so is the psychology of the family members. Your mother is unhappy, you and your brother conflict and you have started hating your father for what he has done to the family. The positive aspect is that you don’t want to be like your father and may fear in your mind that you are becoming like him. This is a good observation and speaks about your intelligence. You can seek positive solutions to the problematic situation with your keen intelligence. Firstly, stop hating your father and treat him like a ‘sick person’. An addiction is an affliction which needs to be addressed systematically. You could bring him for counselling or convince your mother to bring him. Secondly, take up the matter jointly with your mother and younger brother and work towards a solution. Since you are the elder son of your parents you might take the initiative and leadership of keeping the family together. Side with your mother and brother and confront your father for treatment. Your mother too needs to be more assertive and stand up against him to take a stand. Jointly the family will be able to tackle it and defeat your father. Thirdly, about your studies you could search for a place to study peacefully- at home or a nearby library or college library. Instead of running out of the home in disgust, try alternative places to sit quietly to study in peace. Fourthly, your career and future is very important for you and the family if father is also irresponsible. So keeping your mind positive and calm and hopeful is a good attitude to cultivate for success. I am sure you can do it and of course if you are aware person with a strong will power you will never walk the path of your father. I wish you all the best.