“Cool down your anger”- 4 June 2017.


Q.  I gave my 12 board exam this year from CBSE board. I want to appear in CBSE improvement exam next year to improve my marks. I have some doubts regarding this topic and I will be thankful if you clear my doubts. Will I have to give exams for all five subjects in the CBSE improvement exam, or can choose whichever subject I want to do? What are the JEE rules for the CBSE improvement exam 2018? What will happen if I appear for four subjects only? Will the marks of the fifth subject carried forward from the previous year exam?

Ans. As far as my knowledge goes you might have to appear for all the subjects again of 12 Std and JEE will consider your marks of the improvement exams only and not of the earlier 12 Std examinations. Another alternative to appearing for all the subjects could be to put your ‘doubtful papers’ to a revaluation where your marks may go up.


Q. I have been reading your columns in the newspapers regularly. And I really like them a lot. I just needed your help. I am not able to study properly for quite some time now. I don’t know why this is happening with me as I was a very bright student till class 10. But from 11 standard I just did not understand what the teachers are teaching me. Also I feel depressed all the time. There is so much negativity in my mind. I just feel like running away from all these things, as I don’t like science stream. After my 12 standard I had asked my parents about doing career counselling but they refused and now I have failed consecutively for 3 semesters in my college. Now also I asked them to take me to a counsellor but they don’t believe in all these things. I am a student of B.Sc 2 year. I don’t even know am I making sense or not or I am just exaggerating the situating and distracting my mind to these stupid things. Please help me and kindly tell me what should I do?
Ans. The primary aspect in higher education is the interest and passion in pursuing a career of your choice. It is no less than a crime to push students into subjects and careers that are of no interest to them. It is a harsh punishment given by parents to their own children and I do not understand why parents do this behaviour. Either they have no faith in their children or they are too fixed and rigid in their own ideas and opinions to listen to anyone else. You are unfortunate as far as this aspect is concerned as you were forced to take science and you have failed in 3 semesters as proof of your unsuitability. My sincere advice would be to complete your graduation by sheer hard work and then get into what makes you happy. Make a good choice and rebel if you have to with parents. Take your own decision. For the moment bear the boredom and the drudgery.

Q. I heard about you from the newspaper The Hitavada.  I currently reside in Raipur Chhattisgarh. I have a simple question but before that let me tell you I have this malady called anger. I know anger is bad and only a word away from the word danger but I do not know how to control it. I also know that I am the creator of anger and I am only responsible for controlling it. I have tried controlling. It works sometimes but most of the times words fly out of my mouth and the damage is done. The reason I write to you is anger does not recognise anybody and anything: sex, age, relation etc. Can you please guide me how do y control it? I stay in Raipur and had gone to a renowned psychologist to seek medical device for my above problem. He prescribed anxiety tablets and told me to visit after a month. I never purchased those tablets and never went back to him. Please guide.

Ans. Anger can be controlled with some effort as all habits die hard and need to be worked on for results. To begin with introspect daily for a few minutes and list out the causes of anger. Find out how many causes are related to things outside you in the environment (such as other people and situations not created by you) and how many are related to your personal life and inner struggles. Then consider what you can do about the things related to the environment and whether you can control or change them. If not you need to accept them as they are and not get provoked into anger with them. Generally we are helpless about the factors outside us as they cannot be checked. One more option is to move out of their way so that they stop bothering you or to start ignoring them. The best option is always to improve your own behaviour by sorting your mind by dealing with your psychological issues and controlling them. Calm your mind by physical exercises and mental relaxation practices. You are sure to see the difference. A calmer happier mind is bliss.


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