“Evaluate your mind”-27 October 2013

H.W, Gadchiroli

Q. I completed my diploma in electrical engineering. Then I took admission in B.E.

and due to some money problem now I cancelled my admission and then I wanted to work hence try to get job! But that is not happened and now I am in lot of tension and so on. So what will I have to do mam? I think I lost my one year of my life. Please help me out.
Ans. Yes, there is scarcity of jobs due to recession and people find it difficult to find jobs. In such times and such situations you may have to think out of the box. In other words it means that you will have to think of alternative ways and means of earning money. You may get into any type of job that is available in the market and not stick to your engineering background. You may also think of entrepreneurship and self employment. Just sitting at home and fretting about it will not help. Go out meet people, visit offices and find work to do. There are some sectors where jobs are always available such as private banks, retail and many such areas. Find anything to do. Remember, beggars cannot be choosers. We all or majority of us go through this phase of life and ultimately settle down with whatever is in destiny. Very few have well planned and smoothly run journeys. Do not despair. There is hope and be optimistic and flexible enough to do anything.


Q. I am a brilliant student and was in merit in std 10th and 12th. After joining the C.A course I am continuously failing. I have already given the 6th attempt of the intermediate exams and am preparing for the 7th attempt. I feel depressed about my career and do not know what to do. Can you help me please?

Ans. You should come for career planning and guidance. Six attempts are enough for you to take a fresh look at your earlier decision and change it if needed. You may have an aptitude for something else other than accountancy. We could conduct an aptitude test for you and then after evaluating your personality traits help you take the best possible decision for your career. Do not delay as enough time has passed. Do not feel depressed as there is hope always.


Q. I feel distracted from my studies and feel attracted to girls. I get weird thoughts and feel disturbed all the time. My mind does not work at all. This is happening since quite some time now. My parents keep shouting at me and do not understand me at all. I have no inteat me and do not understand me at all. ed to girls. I get weird thoughts and feel disturbed all the time. my csionrest in my subjects. They are all boring and terrible. Can you guide me?

Ans. You would need counselling and guidance. First, we need to evaluate your problem and its exact nature. There are many explanations for your problem and it could be anything which is not so obvious at the moment. There are many reasons for lack of concentration in studies and for irrational thoughts. It would be important to know the nature of the weird thoughts. Please tell and request your parents to take you for counselling and guidance. We can surely help you and get your mind to function for you. Please do not delay.


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