“Growing Depressions”- 13 November 2011
Q. I am in a serious problem. My mind is totally under depression because I have failed two times in second and third year of polytechnic. (my expectations are to complete B.E). So please give best solution/suggestion for my bright future.
Ans. Failure is never good for the mind. It leaves a negative impact on the self image and the social image of self too. So it is always best to work hard and pass the exams. Failure only increases your work load as the backlog increases. Either you are not using proper methods of study or you do not have the aptitude for science and have chosen a wrong field. Another reason could be that you are distracted by other things and do not pay enough attention to your studies. Set your priorities right and start working hard. There is enough time in a day to attend to studies and do revision. You might have to do some proper planning for future because polytechnic is difficult for you, engineering would be tougher. A session of career guidance would be useful to you.
Q. I am in 10th standard. I want to score more than 90%. Please give me tips. I had set my timetable but not at all work according to that. Please help me.
Ans. When the exams are near then you should start working on a war footing! All you should do is eat, study, stretching exercises and rest. There should not be any other activity besides this. Also take note that your method of study is proper. For example, you should recall more, revise and do some writing practice too of the course. It is good to aim high, work hard with single minded focus and enjoy the results. A strict time table many times does not work the way you want it too. So the best way is to cut off extra curricula activities including TV, mobile, friends, computer etc and focus only on health, diet and books. It’s a good experience in times of exams. You will succeed with ninety percent and more!
Q. I am in deep depression. Please help me.
Ans. Depression has many causes. Most times it could be a negative reaction to a stressful situation. Sometimes it comes like an illness/disease and needs immediate attention. All types of depression need to be treated as soon as possible or they may escalate. You have not mentioned any reasons or your personal details and about your life problems. Please come for consultation as soon as possible. There are terrific ways to treat depression. You should not suffer a mental state for too long. I mean no one should ignore mental health issues for long.
Q. I am always having fights with my family. My parents do not understand me at all. I also feel that they love my sister more than me. They call her but never me. I am full of negative thoughts. I feel like committing suicide at times. They taunt me for my mistakes and I am making many these days as I am not feeling well. Please suggest me what to do.
Ans. It is unfortunate that your family does not understand you. Parents should try to understand and solve your problems. It is their duty to do so. If they fail to do so by themselves they should consult a psychologist. You may be feeling that they love your sister more. This could be a perception of yours and not a reality. Normally parents love equally their children. But if a particular child is more cooperative and adaptive than the other, then they may get inclined towards that one more. But I am sure that they do not dislike you but may be tired of your behavior. Check your behavior in an objective way and analyze yourself. Ask a friend to evaluate your behavior. You could also ask a parent to do it. Also tell them that you are undergoing some sort of depression and that you need treatment. Then please do consult a psychologist fast. All the best to you.