“Social behaviour has to be thoughtful”- 13 March 2016.
Q. I am a B. Com. final year student and was pursuing CA too. But failing for the fourth time in IPCC group 1 made me take a decision whether to continue with it or not. But my interest is in law related fields and my hobby is sketching. My friends are motivating me to opt for some drawing or art related fields. But I don’t think my family will support it. It’s not that easy to go for it for me. I think that I can manage with L.L.B and CS now. But the problem is for getting admission in any law college I will have to pass CET exam and I am not able to find any link or any information about the application form or even the syllabus. I just know about the exam date for CET for L.L.B (3 years) i.e. 22nd of May. Please guide me to apply for CET. I am also attaching some of my sketches. I hope you like it.
Ans. You have a valid concern about the syllabus and the application form. There is confusion about it right now and aspiring students like you are protesting about it. Once a regulation like this is passed then at least a year needs to be given to students to prepare for it accordingly. You could visit the University department of law to know the procedures or visit the University office itself. Your sketches are really good and you have the talent in you. You could pursue it as a serious hobby and put up an exhibition at some point of time. May be you might hit the jackpot!
Nitesh P.
Q. I am preparing competitive exam and doing part time job at computer institute as computer teacher. My problem is that I love a girl but she doesn’t love me. We always fight each other on little issue but her friend is good with me. So one day, I gave her friend a gift to making friend. She also took but showed to all her friends and they all have done the misunderstanding about me that I am a “loafer”. Nobody talk with me very well and they ignore me. There is strong my wish talk with them but I can’t do anything. Please suggest me madam how to handle matter……
Ans. If the girl is a student of the institute where you are a teacher then you have made a fool of yourself. As a teacher there are norms of behaviour to be followed and you must maintain the decency in thought and behaviour with students. If the girl belongs to a friendship group then matters are different. You need not worry so much about it. You could take sweets for all your friends and give them a treat. You might invite only the men and leave the girls out and explain a little bit to the men. They will have a good laugh and forgive you. You could forget the girls totally, including the one you love (one sided only) for she does not love you. Also ignore the other girl whom you gifted something in a hurry. Your silence will help cool matters and they might realise their own behaviour.
Q. I sent a letter with a different name to a girl I love a lot. She was replying to them and we became friends. I was first chatting with her on line under a different name. I like this girl a lot. She has not seen me or knows me. My problem is that she is asking me to meet her and come to meet her. I told her I stay in another city but that is wrong. I stay in the same city. I have told her some what lies about myself. How do I meet her and should I tell her the truth? Should I keep on lying and how long? Now I am totally confused and at loss. Please help me.
Ans. Oh dear! I have heard that teenagers talk to others online under different names and identities. Now you are in a dilemma as how to break the news or keep going like this. Perhaps you could maintain the lies for some time till she begins to like you. As her emotions become stronger you might break the news in bits and pieces and not all together! Since you have acted smartly so far be a bit smarter for some more time and hold on to the half truths. Then you could joke about the misrepresentations you made for the sake of wooing her out of love for her. I am sure she will forgive you heartily and enjoy the truths. All the best!