“Treat depression right away”- 1 July 2018


Q. I am a student of government medical college doing my MBBS, currently in second year. I am 20 years old and ambitious for making money. I don’t want to practice medicine and after graduation thinking of doing MBA from any of the prestigious colleges. Shall I go with the flow or go with my ambition?

Ans. Your ambition gives you your flow. There is no other flow in life. If you mean you should go along with post graduation in medical science then too you have to assess your interest areas and your motivations to practice medicine. Since you are clear that practicing medicine has no interest for you, you will have to divert from it and take something of your choice. You could also do hospital administration in MBA or you could opt for the general specialisations offered by MBA. Think very seriously about it and make a long term plan of what and how you want to reach that goal. Making money can be done in all professions, even in medicine if you want or else in so many other ways. If you are not clear a session of counselling and guidance will help.


Q. I coincidentally met a guy on FB we started talking to each other and started meeting with each other but before some days we broke up and he went to another girl. Now his friend started talking to me and my ex is saying that his friend is not a right guy and I still love him but I can’t say this to him. He again started talking to me. What should I do?

Ans. I am confused as who is talking to whom and who has broken up with whom! If you are talking to two guys at the same time please watch out for some drama at some point of time. The boys may clash with each other over you and blame you for the mess! You should do what your instinct tells you to do. If you don’t trust someone listen to your intuition and keep a safe distance. If you like someone and trust him then go along with him. Listen carefully to your heart and it generally speaks the truth. Look out for warning signs too and make a careful note of them. Getting swayed under emotion can be a dangerous proposition. Be careful of your life and mind.


Q. I am not getting sleep now a days and I am also losing confidence. My friends tease me a lot and I feel they laugh at me. I cannot answer back at them and feel angry and irritated. My parents also taunt me with this and that sort of things. They don’t understand me and I don’t know what is happening to me. Please help me guide myself in studies and college. I want to do well in life and become a big man- but my confidence in going down. I am losing interest in things slowly and feel tired most times. Please help me.

Ans. These are symptoms of depression that creeps in slowly without your knowledge. It is good that you are becoming aware of your mental status and reaching out for help. The causes for depression are many and we need to identify those causes or sources of depression. Either you have undergone some traumatic events in the recent past or many small little irritants have piled up into a big heap and have blown up into a big malady. Let me assure you that a large percentage of depression cases can be treated with counselling and psychotherapy alone and do not need medicines. Almost 85% of depression can be treated with psychological counselling and only a small percentage need to take medicine. The best thing to do is to undergo a psychological assessment from a psychologist and then let them decide and refer to a psychiatrist if necessary. Depression impacts the mind, the mood, the concentration in studies, the lowering of interest in general matters of life, such as social relations, loss of sleep and appetite and of course hence loss of confidence. There are many more symptoms and vary from person to person. It is nice to know that you are a good person with keen interest in doing well in life and becoming an achiever. Keep up that spirit of well being and motivation of a big aim. All this is possible if you treat your depression that is clouding your mind and moods. I wish you all the best and do not delay the therapy.

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